Cultural Education
Cultural Education Department – Title VI, Language and Culture
Vision – To produce citizens who are multi-lingual, culturally and academically literate, who honor themselves, their family, and community.
Mission – The Cultural Education Department will communicate, educate, collaborate, and promote home language and cultural teachings with parents, staff, and community to ensure multi-literate successful students.
Title VI
Title VI of the Indian Education Act was first authorized by Congress in 1972. A subcommittee ascertained that Native Americans were performing the poorest of all socio-ethnic groups within the public school systems. Recommendations called for federal assistance in education and cultural support services as well as increased parent participation (self-determination). Title VI is administered through an LEA (local educational agency). Gallup McKinley County Schools is our LEA. Funding for Title VI comes directly through the Federal Department of Education. Program goals are derived from collaboration, data and engagement of parents who are critical to the education of their children.
The program is committed to assuring equity for all students through direct intervention, systemic change, and increased parent involvement. Goals Include:
Impact programs to increase the achievement level of GMCS Native American/Alaska Native students, Grades K-12.
Reducing the dropout rate of high school students and providing culturally relevant interventions.
Impact program to increase the graduation rate of high school students.
Provide cultural enrichment activities, professional development and outreach services.
Promoting active parent participation through District Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) and conducting Public Hearings in the community.
GMCS District PAC Plan
1. Principals to nominate from ASC a parent to represent their school at GMCS District PAC.
2. Communicate GMCS District PAC and add to school web page information.
3. Meet with GMCS District PAC quarterly